Saturday, January 23, 2010

USE it or LOSE it

I want to tell you about my friend Ashley Allen's approach to new year resolutions. Rather than naming specific resolutions, she creates a theme for the year that is easy to remember, applies to many dimensions in life, and is trackable. I like her approach so much, I adopted it myself!

The theme for 2010 is: USE it or LOSE it.

Ashley set specific goals to USE and LOSE. I've given away clothes and books no longer used and started (again) using my gym membership for yoga classes. If I don't use my strength and flexibility, I'll surely lose it!

What could you USE this year that would benefit you?
> Talents, Skills, Habits
> Develop strengths instead of focusing on weaknesses
> Streamline systems
> Crystallize your future dreams

What could you LOSE that would benefit you?
> Limiting beliefs
> Negative habits
> Clutter (mental and physical)

USE it or LOSE it
We often create invisible walls that keep us from being who we know in our hearts we are meant to be. We limit ourselves. A client once said, "I wish I could stop being afraid." What are you afraid of? Success? Even fear can be a motivator for good.

You can feel much better about yourself by the end of 2010. What will it take?

Start today. Repeat to yourself: USE it or LOSE it. It will help you make decisions.

I'd love to hear what you USE and LOSE so that you can be who you want to be this year!

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I look forward to hearing from you!